Exposing a function from UIViewController A to a CUSTOM UIVIEW such that you can call it.


import UIKit
import DesignSystem

protocol CustomViewDelegate: class {
    // make this class protocol so you can create `weak` reference
    func triggerSegueToGallery()

class AttachmentBar: UIView {
     weak var delegate: CustomViewDelegate?   // make this `weak` to avoid strong reference cycle b/w view controller and its views
     func triggerSegueToGallery() {

     func someOtherFunc () {
       item.addTarget(self, action: #selector(triggerSegueToGallery), for: .touchUpInside)

UIViewController A

import UIKit
import DesignSystem

class PublisherViewController: UIViewController, CustomViewDelegate {
    func triggerSegueToGallery() {
        self.performSegue(withIdentifier: "arbitraryIDForCollectionView", sender: self)
