So I recently purchased a laptop.

And you know what, it’s the first laptop that I’ve every really owned. It’s not a “handmidown”. Not a shitty one on loan. It’s a laptop that I purchased with my own money! Yay, I’m soooo #adulting!

Anyway, the reason why I decided to buy a personal laptop was because of some side projects that I wish to focus on. I also want to be responsible and not do it on my company’s equipment.

About My Macbook

Since I’m not a gamer and I plan on focusing on font-end development, I didn’t spec it out too crazily.

Installations (by order of whatever)

The following below are the things that I installed. There’s no order of significance because I just started installing things based on what I use a lot. I know that some folks publish a list of all the cool tools they use and whatnot, but I like reinventing the wheel for myself sometimes. Why? Well, why not.
